Wednesday, September 10, 2008

North Korea Wanted To Get Him A Body Bag!(Literally)

This might not involve Johnny and The Karate Kid, but it's every bit as serious. Apparently, North Korean spies infiltrated the International Taekwondo Federation in the 80's, and attempted to use it as a tool to assassinate South Korean President Chun Doo Hwan.

The Korea Times quoted Choi Jung-hwa, son of the late Choi Hong-hi who founded the International Taekwondo Federation (ITF) in 1966, as saying North Korea ordered overseas ITF masters, including himself, to assassinate President Chun Doo Hwan.

"After taking control of the ITF, the North trained spies and sent them overseas, disguising them as taekwondo masters," the Korea Times quoted Choi as telling reporters on his return to South Korea on Monday after living overseas for 34 years.

The Korea Times quoted Choi as saying he plotted to kill Chun on a visit to Canada in 1982, but Canadian police got wind of the plan and Choi fled to North Korea.

Damn, it sounds like the North Koreans were planning on doing more than just sweeping the leg.

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