Wednesday, June 20, 2007

It's Like Tumbling For Grown Ups

Ten days ago, the first ever "parcouring world championships" were held in Munich. If you're unfamiliar with "parcouring", the goal is to "overcome obstacles by running in a straight line against the clock". Contestants are judged on the time it takes to complete the course, as well as the acrobatic moves they utilize when running through it.

Click Here For AP Video.

The video makes it seem rather boring, and the voice over guy tends to make you think you're watching a meaningless tennis match. Other than that, though I'm sure it's great fun! Oh yeah, and the woman who won her division, or whatever they call it, had just started "parcouring" the day before the event. Seriously, how difficult can something be when someone who has done it for less than 24 hours wins the whole event? Somehow I fully expect Sam Woods to do something similar.

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